give hope

Give Hope Today

Your generous donation allows all of our services to remain free of charge to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies. Any amount makes a difference and provides hope for life.


Your story can change lives! Hear from some of the incredible women we've journeyed alongside over the years.


"I used to ditch all the time and when I found out I was pregnant, I went every day. My baby is my motivation to keep going in life and pushing through all my problems."


"I came in for my second ultrasound and I was so nervous. At the time, I was so far in that you could hear the heartbeat. As soon as I heard my baby's heartbeat, I began crying."


“I remember one night I was heartbroken and sobbing and I didn’t know what to do. I looked up free pregnancy clinic and Zoi popped up. It was like a dream."


"When I opened those doors, I felt safe and like everything was going to be ok."